Friday Favourites: Lorna's Laces

This week Beth Casey, the driving force behind Lorna's Laces gives us an insight into her world.

What is your favourite colour?

Hmmm.... That's a pretty broad question.  My favorite color to look at is orange. The orange you get in the 8 pack of Crayolas. Nothing fancy, just plain orange. Black is my favorite color for a car. Everyone should have a pair of red Chuck Taylor's. And there's nothing quite like a crisp white shirt.

What's a ball of yarn to do when it's bored? Go for a walk to Lorna's Laces! Music is licensed by

What is your current favourite yarn/fibre?

I'm always going to be a sucker for wool. I like all kinds of wool from the softest merino to the scratchiest Shetland.

All the wool in one place at once

What is your favourite season?

Without a doubt, Fall. And just for the record, you can keep summer. This girl wants nothing to do with being hot. Bleh.

So much yarn, so much potential......

So much yarn, so much potential......

What is/was your current favourite knitting/crochet project?

I've been on a long jag of small projects. Mostly shawls, although lately, sweaters are finding their way back onto my needles. Now, I need to get them off my needles. I've been suffering from startitis these days.

If you could have dinner with anyone, who would it be?

My dad. He died when I was 25 and was the smartest person I've ever known. I'd like to show him how I turned out. I like to think he'd be proud.

Where do you feel most inspired or get most inspiration?

I do most of my best thinking very early in the morning. Many times I'll get great ideas during that limbo time between sleep and waking. The trick there is to remember it once I'm fully awake. Oftentimes, those eureka moments grab me and wake me right up!

Quick fire questions! What is your favourite:

Book? To Kill a Mockingbird
Film? Sabrina (The Audrey Hepburn version.)
Quote? Never let making a living prevent you from making a life. John Wooden
Cocktail/drink? Vodka martini, up.
Cake? Red Velvet. With my mom's icing. Not that cream cheese stuff.
Cheese? Any creamy blue cheese.

Every business needs a mascot like Sam.

Every business needs a mascot like Sam.

All photos ©Lornas Laces